A message from Michael Pitcher, chair of CFP Patient Participation Group
On behalf of all Cheam Family Practice (CFP) patients, please can I say a huge thank you, and how incredibly proud we all are of everything that all members of the Practice do on our behalf.
As Chair of the CFP Patient Participation Group, I am pleased to introduce and welcome you to the Patient Participation Group (PPG) webpage on the CFP Website. The PPG gives patients the opportunity to participate in and influence services within the Practice, as well as allowing the Practice to obtain patients’ views when reviewing and expanding services.
The PPG is a small group of patients (target number 12-15) from the Gander Green Lane and The Knoll, Cheam Surgeries, who act as critical friends of the Practice. You may have seen or completed one of the patient surveys. We share the information from these here on the website and where possible within the surgeries and will discuss the information obtained to see how we can work with the Practice to improve the services and care that it gives our patients. We can improve the things we do less well, and celebrate the things that are good, but strive to do even better.
This webpage will give us the opportunity to share with you matters of interest to patients, both those who are well and those not so well. These may be practical things like how easy and accessible the Practice is, as well as services that you would like to see available within the Practice. It will include matters specific to CFP, as well as healthcare across
This webpage will give us the opportunity to share with you matters of interest to patients, both those who are well and those not so well. These may be practical things like how easy and accessible the Practice is, as well as services that you would like to see available within the Practice. It will include matters specific to CFP, as well as healthcare across Sutton. The PPG does not replace the Practice complaints procedure, nor does it discuss or become involved in personal cases, but we would like to hear about lessons to be learned or your ideas for change. You will also find our terms of reference, meeting dates and meeting action notes here.
We are looking for new PPG members. If you would like to join or would like more information about what is involved, we would love to hear from you. Please ask at reception for more information.
Also, if you have any suggestions or comments for the PPG, please hand them into reception for the attention of the Deputy Practice Manager. Further information about PPGs is also available on www.suttonccg.nhs.uk.
We are also looking for patients to participate in a wider virtual PPG email group. By leaving your email details, the Practice can contact you every now and again to ask you a question or two about the services offered. If you are interested in being an email contact please complete the contact form (Link) and return to reception.
By leaving your email details, we can contact you every now and again to ask you a question or two about the services that we offer.
Our next meeting is Monday 3rd March at 6pm. If you wish to attend, please contact the reception to have your information passed onto our Deputy Practice Manager, Naomi Holdsworth. If you have any particular items to discuss, please let our Naomi know.
Learn more here about Patient Participation Groups.
Commissioning Feedback
The Patient Participation Group is concerned about what the ‘person on the street’ is saying about local healthcare, what really matters to people as patients? What do people want to see being provided in the community? What would they like to suggest to the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)?
Areas to focus on: hospital care, mental health services, and providing services outside the hospital environment and in the community. What could the CCG do more locally which is still high quality but involves less travel/need to go to a hospital? Where or how could the CCG provide services more locally e.g. at GP surgeries, at Clinics, the Jubilee Health Centre, through Pharmacies etc.? How could long term conditions be managed more successfully and how could health and social care services be better integrated?
Pharmacy feedback
- How can the Clinical Commissioning Group use the services offered by community pharmacies better (either current or potential new services) to deliver our commissioning priorities to keep patients out of hospital, out of hours care, improve access to GPs, and promote self-care?
- How do we raise awareness of the services that Community Pharmacies offer (high street and internet pharmacies)?
If you wish to participate please contact the Practice or complete the online form by clicking on the button shown above.
OR: if you prefer, you can download the sign-up form below, print it out, fill it in, and post it to the Practice, put it through the letterbox, or hand it to a Receptionist.
Download the pdf version of our sign up form
We aim to acknowledge your request within a few days.
Please note that the PPG cannot become involved in matters of a specifically medical or clinical nature.
The National Association of Patient Participation
This association aims to promote the role and benefits of PPGs to patients, the public and health professionals, to create more understanding of the value of true patient participation also to promote the support available from N.A.P.P. Find out more about NAPP.
The information you supply us will be used lawfully, in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018. The Data Protection Act 2018 gives you the right to know what information is held about you and sets out rules to make sure that this information is handled properly.